Docker containers are an efficient way to run discrete software services. CoreOS is a Container Linux OS to run docker containers. Kubernetes can deploy and manage services on CoreOS nodes. This post describes setting up a small CoreOS cluster of 2 mac minis with kubernetes and docker.

Install CoreOS on a bare metal PC

Firstly, burn the latest CoreOS iso to a CDROM. Next boot the mac mini using the CDROM.

Use the cloud-config

Add kube-serviceaccount key to home directory

DNS setup: Add kube-dns replication controller & service

Do dns setup.

Run example

Run example.

Node CPU and memory usage

Kubernetes uses lots of memory and CPU polling the cluster.


September 2015 - Not ready for release - still in beta.

2020 Update from

“On May 26, 2020, CoreOS Container Linux will reach its end of life and will no longer receive updates. We strongly recommend that users begin migrating their workloads to another operating system as soon as possible.”